Author: Janet

Janet was born on the Fourth of July, 1940 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Her education included Will Rogers High School that is on the National Register of Schools, and the University of Arkansas where she major in mathmatics. She married Steve Wixson and they two had two children. When they moved to Birmingham, Alabama and the University of Alabam at Birmingham, and after their children were in school, she started working in the Rust Computer Center as a User Consultant and over the years rose to Director of the Coimputer Center. She later moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee as Director of Computing and retired staying in Chattanooga.

Minerva’s Machine

I was one of four women selected for a PBS documentary video on ‘Women in Computing.’


Bicycling France

When we were in our mid-fifties, we wanted to take a special vacation.  Our usual vacation would be to go somewhere and explore by camping ...


New York City

After Steve and I married in 1960 we went to the University of Nebraska where Steve had a fellowship to obtain his master’s in Bio-Medical ...


Some People Shouldn’t Pilot an Airplane

I am and have always been a tomboy seeking out boys to pick a fight with.  So I am going to tell a story which ...


South America

                                                                    When I was 6 years old, my father got transferred to El Centro, Columbia South America, a tiny little town on the edge of ...



I grew up on a sailboat (I’m standing in the left image and sitting in the right). My Dad loved to compete in just about ...


Gramma Lucy

I am a dog person.  As a child I had collies,  During my married life, we mostly have had standard poodles.  Poodles are wonderful pets,  ...


My First Job

Steve and I were married on June 5, 1960.  He was 23 and I was 19.  My age probably sounds way too young but we ...


I’ve Been Sick

May 10, 2020 – #3 I have stage 4 ovarian cancer and yes I have the cancer gene. In March 2018, I woke up early ...


Culture Climate Changing

May 7, 2020 – #2 It was a time of change in the cultural climate of the workforce and it would take time to settle ...
