Culture Climate Changing

May 7, 2020 – #2

It was a time of change in the cultural climate of the workforce and it would take time to settle in. It was the time when men were assumed to be competent until proven incompetent and women were assumed to be incompetent until proven competent. People seek to validate their beliefs by looking for examples that reflect them, so from the beginning, women started playing with a stacked deck. However, just because you are playing with a stacked deck doesn’t mean you can’t win anyway. Linda and I were mentors to each other during this time and developed a close bond.

Janet and staff of Computer Center and UAB Telephone Center

If you are playing with a stacked deck it is helpful to have a sense of humor. I had this opportunity to use my humor gift in my first ‘big deal meeting’ after being appointed Director. This meeting consisted of all the deans and all the vice-presidents with the purpose of discussing some of the issues in the Computer Center. Shortly after the meeting began one of the deans stood up and pounded on the table. He recited the names of all the previous directors of the Computer Center which, of course, were all male. He ended by saying “no offense meant Janet, but we need a man in your job.” The room became silent. After a few seconds, I replied “I am willing to do just about anything to turn around the problems in the Computer Center, but a sex change operation is totally out of the question.” The room broke out in laughter easing the stored up tension and we got down to productive work.